EURASIAN PATENT - Regional Phase of a PCT application

Filing requiremens:

  • a number of a PCT patent application;
  • advance payment of Eurasian patent application  filing and examination fees
Late payment of the filing and examination fees is allowed with a 20% and 50% surcharge.

Documents required

A Power of Attorney and a Russian translation thereof should be submitted within 2 months from the filing date.

The cost of filing a Eurasian patent application will depend upon the number of patent claims and presence of the International Search Report (ISR).

Basic filing fee for Eurasian patent application will five patent claims is about 400 euro or 300 euro in presence of ISR

Additional filing fee for each patent claim over
Examinationfee is

Free cost estimation is available upon a request.


Advantages of the Eurasian Patent System

Only ONE is sufficient:

ONE Application, ONE Attorney, ONE Translation, ONE Patent, ONE point for Payment of All Fees and ALL it for 8 (EIGHT) COUNTRIES

NOT requred:

NO other Translations, NO Legalizations, NO designation of contracting States on the filing Stage, NO Designation fees, NO Validation in contracting States, NO annuities before granting and during 3 years/