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Display Project

By Alexander M. ILYANOK

    Company and team profile: Atomic and Molecular Engineering Laboratory- (AMEL). The AMEL researches in the field of information display are directed to changing the principles of the display construction. That means a conversion from light-emitting displays to flat RGB-displays controlling the radiation of an external light source with simultaneous use of line self-scanning /Self-Scan/ (SS) and the frame sweep frequency above 75 Hz.

    Technology name: Electronic-cluster technology (EC), nanotechnology. Display-N. Flat Panel Display (FPD).

    Patents: The scientific, technical and patent search conducted by the end of 1999 discovered a number of patents, e.g. US Patent № 5,018,180, K. R. Shoulders, which disclose the use of electronic clusters (EC) for electronic devices. As a matter of fact, they are experimental researches in the field of practical use of some features of electronic clusters. The display having the resolution of 2000x2000 points /pixel/ RGB with matrix control was designed on bases of this technology.

The EC theory have been worked out, but in view of its patentability, it has not been published yet. The method for forming self-scanning display images is disclosed in several claims of the patent application РСТ BY99/00012 with a priority of the application РСТ BY98/00012.

There was designed a printing method for super exact applying of a picture (pattern) on a glass by means of a special platen on to the area up to m2. The method is also subject to patenting.

            Development level: The EC theory was developed. There were conducted  experimental researches on forming 10-100 microns clusters in vacuum and in gas. The operating regimes for a display and the traverse speed of a cluster in a self- scanning mode were experimentally determined. There were found conditions for synchronizing cluster during its movement. The EC theory corresponds to the experiment. There were designed nanostructural materials with cold electron emission in vacuum or gas. These materials and principles were disclosed in the patent application.

            There was elaborated a theory of nanostructurized materials controlled by an external electrical current or a charge that effectively absorb or reflect the light in a given spectral range. The preliminary technology of their manufacturing has been developed. We continue the work on reducing cost of film technologies.

There has been evolved a preliminary technology for commercial production of displays on basis of flat-glass

 Technology description: The display technology is similar to the technology for manufacturing of colour plasma display panels /Plasma Display Panel/(PDP). To reduce the cost price of products we have started developing new printing methods for coating structural layers on substrates made of flat-glass. Our printing method (our Know-How) is based on the principle of super accurate coating of a figure (pattern) by means of a special roller by analogy to the principles used in letterspress printing methods. This technology allows serial coating up to 8 layers with the accuracy of 10 microns on 1 m. Synchroneously, by plasma spraying method there are coated  nanostructurized films forming active elements of the display. In respect of  accuracy our method corresponds to lithographical methods, but the output is ten times more. As a result the cost of a product is sharply falls - up to $100Q.$300 on 1 м2 depending on the size of the display and its resolution.

Using the EC-SS-technology it is possible further to create colour and monochrome displays for both mobile and motionless images with the sizes that are limited only to a format of the produced glass.

             The display is assembled of two glasses.  Nanostructurized materials forming EC-SS are applied on one glass. Control electrodes are applied on the same substrate. The electrodes have the form of a continuous "snake", which allows to create a serpentine sweep. This results in reducing the number of control electrodes is reduced from 1280+1024=2304 pieces (as it is accepted in the HDTV standard) down to 15 pieces. This allows to provide substantial simplification of the control electronics and to reduce its cost and to lower the electromagnetic radiation of the display.

A stable electronic cluster of the diameter 30Q.100 microns, formed directly in the nanostructurized material, functions as a mobile driver ( a peculiar electronic gun). The cluster of that kind may кластер may generate on the average a current of 10Q.100 мА along the total frame sweep. An moving electronic cluster (one or three) is used as a control element for the RGB-display in the self-scanning regime. The cluster will move along the nanostructurized film, applied in the form of a . snake. on a dielectric substrate. The speed of its movement is sufficient for producing the frame frequency of up to 120 Hz. The electrodes may control the speed of movement of the electronic кластера along the nanostructurized film. The total charge of a cluster or the current flowing through it may be changed by means of additional electrodes at a time. This helps to simplify the process of image formation.

Three nanostructurized light-reflexing RGB-films are applied on the other glass. These two glasses are joined together, vacuumized and sealed.

             Thus, we designed a kind of a hybrid of a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) having a simplified serpentine sweep with self- scanning. In this case the self-scanning is rather easily synchronized with the external control signal.

The basic problem with the serpentine sweep used by us is created by the fact that the frame and line sweeps do not agree with the current standards for TV and PC. Here it is necessary to provide an additional device bringing the different standards into agreement. At present these standards may be easily coordinate in a digital form.

The developed principle of self scanning may be used and in known light-emitting displays, such, as Field Emission Displays (FED). This is connected with the fact that the amount of the current of a moving source is sufficient for excitation of low-voltage luminophors (about 1000 W) etc. Moreover, basising on this principle it is possible to create printers, image scanners of etc.

Display characteristics:

·      thickness . 0.5-1.0 cm, diagonal size . 0.5-1.0 m,

·      resolution . from  640‘.480 to 1280‘.1024 RGB dots in the regime of reflexion of an external light source,

·      Contrast  - not less than 50,

·      Frame frequency  . 75 . 120 Hz,

·      RGB Color resolution . 24 bits,  

·      Cost . $100-$300, depending on the size of a display and its resolution

·      Long-term memory for frame storage without power consumpltion. 

            Advantages of technology: The psycophisiological feature of the human eyesight is the perception of outwards things in a reflected light. This is due to the fact that the process of natural adaptation of sight in relation to the investigated object and the circumjacent background takes palce during the final time and only in the reflected light.

As a rule, the user works in a mixed environment, i.e. at a time he should work with paper documents in the reflected light at a constant circumjacent background, and with digital copies of documents on the radiating display of a conventional PC. As rule constant reorganization and adaptation of an eye to different conditions of light exposure takes place here.  This results in a fast fatigue of both the eyes and the entire brain. Hence, light-reflecting displays are ideally suited for eyes, as the difference between the light exposure of the display and the circumjacent background is automatically eliminated. Thus this displays have no alternative in respect of the problem of saving the sight and health of a user. 

 Advantages of the proposed display consist in the following:

1.      The light transmission/ reflection coefficient of a film varies from 0.4 % up to 99.6 %;

2.      Switching time . not exceeding 10 msec.;

3.      Energy, required for changing the light transmission/ reflection coefficient of a film at 100 frames per 1 second is not exceeding 1J per 1m2.

4.      High saturation of RGB-colors;

5.      Long stability to ultra-violet and visible radiation.

6.      Use of self-scanning regime reduces the number of control electrodes down to 15 pieces.

7.      Reduction of electromagnetic radiation.

8.      Unlimited frame storage time in absence of any power consumption.

9.      The printing method for manufacturing of a figure (pattern) on a glass simplifies technology and reduces its cost.

10.  Patentability.


Application fields:  personal computers, TV sets, image scanners, printers etc.

Prototype: Threre was designed a breadboard model of an electron source basing on EC . SS.

Possible cooperation forms

Sale of a license for manufacture and sale for the entire life of patent.

The license contract will comprise: the base patents for EC-SS display technology, patents based on РСТ BY99/00012, patents for electrocontrolled light-reflecting and light . absorbing materials, printing technology for making a figure and an pattern on the glass for the display.


Represented by Sergey Vinogradov,

Patent Attorney, Attorney at Law


For further information please contact us