AndroSPOK: erectile dysfunction treatment and prostatitis AndroSPOK: erectile dysfunction treatment and prostatitis

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AndroSPOK: Erectile dysfunction

We would like to present a unique development for treating the erectile dysfunction – AndroSPOK magnetophotobarotherapy apparatus. A unique AndroSPOK polyfactor apparatus is a new-generation physiotherapy apparatus designed for the magnetophotobarotherapy, i.e. a combined modality therapy comprising light, magnetic field and topical negative pressure. The AndroSPOK magnetophotobarotherapy apparatus may be efficiently used in the complex treatment and prevention of erectile disorders.

Multifactor modalities will help strengthen the sexual function and prevent development of such diseases as prostatitis by periodically using the AndroSPOK apparatus in the course of treatment. A unique AndroSPOK polyfactor apparatus is a new-generation physiotherapeutic apparatus designed for the magnetophotobarotherapy, i.e. a combined exposure to light, magnetic field and topical negative pressure. The AndroSPOK magnetophotobarotherapy apparatus may be used for efficient complex treatment and prevention of erectile disorders.

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The “AndroSPOK” magneto-photo-baro-therapy apparatus can be used for efficient treatment of the following disorders:
potency (erectile) disorders of various etiology; chronic infections of reproductive system (chronic prostatitis, etc.) in complex therapy; premature ejaculation (prospermia); prevention of disorders of the male genital sphere; chordee.