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How to prolong a sexual intercourseDaily, millions of men put a question, “How to prolong a sexual intercourse?”.Generally, such time period is considered to be the period lasting 2 minutes.
PREMATURE EMISSION OF SEMINAL FLUID OR HOW TO PROLONG SEXUAL INTERCOURSEPremature emission of seminal fluid,or premature ejaculation (previously “emission of seminal fluid”) is the condition under which the duration of the sexual intercourse performed by a man is substantially reduced and is not sufficient to get mutual satisfaction by the partners. Daily, millions of men put a question, “How to prolong a sexual intercourse?” Prevalence of the premature ejaculation in the male population of a reproductive age ranges from 30 to 40%.This condition is not defined by any time parameters which significantly complicates the premature ejaculation diagnostics. Generally, such time period is considered to be the period lasting 2 minutes. The duration of the intercourse lasting less the above time period is referred to as the premature ejaculation. A male reaches orgasm much more quickly than a female. This causes serious psychological problems in interpersonal relationships of partners and leads to increasing dissatisfaction, self-depreciation and social maladjustment. In addition, the premature ejaculation is, undoubtedly, a disease and it is indicative of pathological changes in the male organism. After a number of failures, a man starts avoiding the sexual life which even more aggravates his state and results in the so called “vicious circle”. A determining factor in diagnosing this condition is subjective assessment (perception) by man of his sexual capabilities. Premature Ejaculation CausesMost frequent premature ejaculation causes:
Premature Ejaculation TreatmentPremature ejaculation treatment is a lengthy process and the maximum effect is achieved using a complex therapy aimed at psycho-emotional stabilization and local reduction of the penis balanus sensitivity.However, the causes leading to chronic inflammation (chronic prostatitis, etc.) of a seminal hillock are not eliminated. Currently, the physiotherapeutic treatment is one of the key components in the premature ejaculation treatment helping more efficiently eliminate inflammatory processes and normalize the pelvic blood flow. One of the most successful solutions in the complex therapy of the premature ejaculation without resorting to an operative and drug therapy is application of the AndroSPOK magnetophotobarotherapy apparatus.