Requirements for national filing
A trademark application may be filed IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the following information VIA FAX or
- name and address of the applicant
- mark (word or image)
- list of goods and services
Other documents:
- power of attorney (simply signed) may be presented within two months from the filing date.
- priority document, if any, can be submitted in three months from the filing date
Time period
An estimate time for the completion of a registration is about two years.
The term of registration is 10 years, renewal - for 10 years.
In case of a Provisional Refuse issued in Belarus in respect of an International Trademark Registration under the
Madrid Agreement and/or Protocol we can file an objection in presence of the following documents
- Power of attorney (simply signed) (may be send by fax then by mail)
- Provisional refuse as issued by a national office
As we have our own databases of the trademarks registered in Belarus, and also of the international trademarks extended to our country, so we can conduct identity and similarity searches prior to filing new trademark applications and provide our opinion together with an advice of guidance on registerability of marks. We can also watch trademarks for non-infringement, renewal dates, etc.
Registrations of well-known marks and geographical indications are now available in Belarus under special rules.
Entered into force 05.03.1993, edition from 29.10.2004
This Law governs the relations arising from the registration, legal
protection and use of trademarks and service marks.
Title I
The Trademark and Service Mark and the Legal Protection Thereof
Article 1
Trademark and Service Mark
1. The trademark and the service mark (hereinafter referred to as "trademark")
are signs that serve to distinguish the goods or services of one natural
person or legal entity from the goods or services (hereinafter referred
to as "goods") of the same type of another natural person or legal
2. Signs which may be registered as trademarks are any signs capable of
being represented graphically, words including personal names, letters,
numerals, figurative elements, combinations of colors, three-dimensional
signs including the shape of the goods or their packaging as well as any
combination of such signs.
3. A trademark may be registered in any color or in any combination of
Article 2
Legal Protection of Trademarks
1. The legal protection of a trademark in the Republic of Belarus shall
be based on its official registration with the state institution "National
Center of Intellectual Property" of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter
referred to as "the Patent Authority") effected in accordance with the
provisions of this Law or under international treaties to which the
Republic of Belarus is party.
2. The trademark may be registered in the name of a legal entity or in
the name of a natural person.
3. The right to the trademark is protected by the State. The
registration of a trademark shall give rise to the issue of a trademark
certificate. The certificate shall attest the priority date of the
trademark and the owner's exclusive right to the trademark for the goods
specified in the certificate; it shall contain a representation of the
Article 3
Exclusive Right to the Trademark
1. The owner of the trademark shall have the exclusive right of use and
disposal thereof, and also the right to prohibit other parties from
making use of the trademark.
2. No one may make use of a trademark that is protected on the territory
of the Republic of Belarus and for which a certificate has been issued
without having obtained the authorization of the owner of the trademark.
3. The manufacture, use, importation, offering for sale, sale and any
other form of marketing, or the holding for that purpose, of a trademark
or of a product designated by a trademark or of a sign misleadingly
similar to a trademark shall constitute infringements of the rights of
the owner of the trademark if they occur without authorization and if
they relate to goods of the same type or to goods not of the same type
designated by a trademark recognized as a well-known trademark in the
Republic of Belarus.
Article 4
Absolute Grounds for Refusal of Registration
1. Those trademarks may not be registered:
1.1 that lack any distinctive features;
1.2 that have become the general use as designation for goods of a
particular type;
1.3 that constitute generally accepted symbols or terms;
1.4 that consist exclusively of signs or indications which are used to
designate the kind, quality, quantity, properties, intended purpose or
value of the goods, or the place and time of their production or sale;
1.5 that represent the shape of the goods or their packaging which
results exclusively or mainly from the nature of the goods themselves or
which is necessary to obtain a technical result or which gives
substantial value to the goods.
2. The signs or indications referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article
may be incorporated in the trademark as unprotected elements, insofar as
they do not predominate.
3. The provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article may not apply in
relation to the signs which on the filing date of the application for
registration of a trademark have acquired a distinctive character in
consequence of the use that has been made of them.
4. Those trademarks may not be registered that consist exclusively of
signs which constitute armorial bearings, flags or emblems of States,
official names of States, flags, emblems or abbreviated or full names of
international intergovernmental organizations, official control,
warranty or assay marks or decorations or other honorary distinctions,
or are confusingly similar to such signs. Such signs may, with the
authorization of the competent authorities or the owner, be incorporated
in trademarks as unprotected elements.
5. Those signs may not be registered as trademarks:
5.1 that are false or liable to mislead the consumer as to the product,
its place of manufacture or its manufacturer;
5.2 that constitute or consist of an indication of origin for wines or
spirits which is protected under international treaties to which the
Republic of Belarus is party, identifying wines or spirits not
originating in the place indicated by the indication of origin in
5.3 that are contrary to the public interest, humanitarian principles or
Article 5
Other Grounds for Refusal of Registration
1. Those signs may not be registered as trademarks that are identical or
misleadingly similar:
1.1 to trademarks registered or filed for registration earlier in the
Republic of Belarus in the name of a third party for goods of the same
type, and the priority date of which is earlier;
1.2 to trademarks of third parties that are protected in the Republic of
Belarus by virtue of international treaties for goods of the same type;
1.3 to trademarks of third parties recognized as well-known in the
Republic of Belarus in the manner prescribed by the Patent Authority for
goods of any type.
2. The signs which are misleadingly similar to the trademark referred to
in paragraph (1) of this Article may be registered as trademarks on
condition that the owner of the trademark agrees to such registration.
3. Those signs or indications shall not be registered as trademarks that
constitute reproductions of:
3.1 trade names (or parts thereof) that are known in the territory of
the Republic of Belarus and belong to third parties for goods of the
same type;
3.2 industrial designs in which the rights are owned by third parties in
the Republic of Belarus, if the priority date of the industrial design
is earlier than that of the trademark in respect of which an application
for registration has been filed;
3.3 appellations of origin that are protected in the Republic of Belarus;
3.4 titles of scientific, literary or artistic works known in the
Republic of Belarus or names of persons or quotations from such works,
artistic works or parts from such works without the authorization of the
owner of the copyright or his successors in title;
3.4-1 titles of registered in the Republic of Belarus mass media without
authorization of their constitutors in respect of similar goods;
3.5 family names, forenames, pseudonyms and derivatives thereof,
portraits and facsimiles of persons known in the Republic of Belarus in
infringement of their personal moral rights, except with the
authorization of those persons or their successors in title;
3.6 certification marks protected according to the procedure established
by the law in force.
4. The conditions for determining whether a trademark is well known as
specified in subparagraphs 3.1, 3.4 and 3.5 of paragraph 3 of this
Article shall be specified by the Patent Authority and shall be
considered on the priority date of the sign applied for registration as
a trademark.
Article 6
Application for Registration of a Trademark
1. The application for registration of a trademark (hereinafter referred
to as "the application") shall be filed with the Patent Authority by a
natural person or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as "the
2. The application may be filed through a Belarusian patent agent.
3. Foreign legal entities with headquarters abroad or natural persons
resident outside the Republic of Belarus, and also their patent agents,
shall, in order to secure the registration of trademarks or the
prolongation of the term of validity thereof in the Republic of Belarus,
act through patent agents registered with the Patent Authority in the
established manner.
4. The application shall relate to one trademark only.
5. The application shall contain:
- a request for registration of a sign as a trademark, in which the
applicant's name and also his headquarters or residence shall be stated;
- the sign in respect of which the application is filed;
- the list of goods for which registration of the trademark is sought,
grouped according to the classes of the International Classification of
Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks.
6. The application shall be accompanied by:
- a document attesting payment of the prescribed fee;
- a document attesting the powers of the patent agent if the application
is filed through such an agent;
- the rules of the collective mark if the application is filed for the
registration of a collective mark.
7. The requirements to be met by the documents constituting the
application and the time limits for the filing of those documents shall
be laid down by the Patent Authority.
Article 7
Priority of the Trademark
1. The priority of a trademark shall be determined by the date of filing
of an application with the Patent Authority. The filing date shall be
the date of receipt by the Patent Authority of the documents meeting the
requirements specified in paragraph (5) of Article 6 of this Law.
2. The priority of a trademark may be determined by the filing date of
the first application made in respect of the said trademark in a foreign
country party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial
Property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels on December 14, 1900,
at Washington on June 2, 1911, at the Hague on November 6, 1925, at
London on June 2, 1934, at Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and at Stockholm
on July 14, 1967, and as amended on October 2, 1979, (hereinafter
referred to as "Convention priority"), provided that the Patent
Authority receives the application within six months following the said
3. The priority of a trademark affixed to a product displayed at an
official or officially recognized international exhibition organized on
the territory of one of the States party to the Paris Convention for the
Protection of Industrial Property may be determined by the date as from
which the product in question was on public display at that exhibition (hereinafter
referred to as "exhibition priority"), provided that the Patent
Authority receives the application within six months following the said
4. The applicant who wishes to avail himself of the right of Convention
priority or the right of exhibition priority shall state that fact on
filing the application or within two months following the date of
receipt of the application by the Patent Authority, and shall file at
the same time the documents supporting the validity of his claim, or
submit those documents within three months following the date of receipt
of the application by the Patent Authority.
5. The priority of a trademark under the divisional application shall be
determined by the date of priority of a trademark under the initial
application filed in accordance with Article 8(7) of this Law.
6. The priority of a trademark may be determined by the date of priority
of the international application for registration of a trademark filed
under international treaties to which the Republic of Belarus is party.
Article 8
Examination of the Application for Registration of a Trademark
1. The examination of the application, which shall include the
preliminary examination and the substantive examination, shall be
conducted by the Patent Authority in accordance with this Law and with
the implementing regulations thereof drawn up by the Patent Authority.
2. The applicant shall have the right, on his own initiative or at the
request of the official examiner, to intervene in person or through his
agent in order to settle questions arising in the course of the
preliminary examination and the substantive examination.
3. During any stage in the examination of the application and before the
date of registration of the trademark, the applicant shall have the
right to supplement, detail or correct the elements of the application
on his own initiative.
4. Where additional elements alter the substance of the sign in respect
of which the application is filed or add goods to the list figuring in
the application, they shall not be taken into consideration, and the
applicant may file them as a separate application.
5. During the examination of the application, but before the date of
registration of the trademark, the applicant shall have the right to
file a request with the Patent Authority to change the name of the
applicant thereon, on condition that the new applicant gives his consent.
6. The applicant may request the withdrawal of his application at any
stage in the examination thereof, but not after the date of registration
of the trademark.
7. During the examination of the application and before a decision is
taken thereon, the applicant shall have the right to file a divisional
application in respect of the same sign for some goods listed in the
initial application on the date of filing thereof with the Patent
Authority. Divisional applications shall continue to enjoy the filing
date of the initial application and the priority date of the trademark
concerned by that application.
Article 9
Preliminary Examination
1. The application shall undergo preliminary examination within two
months following the date of its receipt by the Patent Authority.
2. The preliminary examination shall serve to ensure that the required
documents specified in Article 6 of this Law are all present and that
they meet the prescribed requirements, and also that the fees have been
paid. During the preliminary examination, the applicant may be invited
to supplement, detail or correct the elements of the application.
Supplemented, detailed or corrected elements shall be submitted to the
Patent Authority within three months following the date of receipt of
the invitation to do so. That period may be extended at the applicant's
request by no more than three months, on condition that the said request
is received before the current period expires. If the applicant has not
kept to the prescribed period or has not replied to the invitation, the
application shall not be taken into consideration.
3. Depending on the results of the preliminary examination, the Patent
Authority decides whether to take or not to take the application into
4. If the application is taken into consideration, the Patent Authority
shall determine the filing date of the application, and also the date of
Convention priority or exhibition priority, provided that the applicant
has submitted the necessary elements substantiating the validity of his
Convention or exhibition priority claim.
Article 10
Substantive Examination of the Application
1. The substantive examination shall take place on completion of the
preliminary examination.
2. It shall serve to determine the priority date of the trademark if it
has not been determined in the course of the preliminary examination,
and to ensure that the claimed sign meets the conditions set forth in
Articles 4 and 5(1) of this Law.
3. During the examination the Patent Authority shall have the right to
invite the applicant to provide more information without which the
examination is not possible. The additional information shall be
furnished to the Patent Authority within three months following the date
of receipt of the invitation. That period may be extended at the
applicant's request, on condition that the request is received before
the said period expires. If the applicant has not kept to the prescribed
period, or has not replied to the invitation, the application shall be
deemed to have been withdrawn and the applicant shall be informed
4. The decision to register the trademark or to refuse registration
shall be based on the results of the examination.
5. The decision to register the trademark may be reconsidered by the
Patent Authority in the event of receipt of an application with an
earlier priority date under Article 7 of this Law for an identical or
misleadingly similar sign in respect of goods of the same type.
6. In the event of disagreement with the decision taken on the
substantive examination, the applicant shall have the right, within
three months following the date on which he has received the decision,
to file a request for reconsideration with the Patent Authority. That
period may be extended at the applicant's request, on condition that the
request is received by the Patent Authority before the said period
7. The procedure for extension of the time limits under paragraphs 3 and
6 of this Article shall be set forth by the Patent Authority.
8. The reconsideration shall take place within two months following the
date of receipt of the applicant's request.
Article 11
Appeal Against the Decision on the Application
1. In the event of disagreement with the decision taken on the
preliminary examination not to take the application into consideration
or with that taken on the reconsideration of the claimed sign, the
applicant shall have the right, within three months following the date
on which he received the decision, to appeal against it to the
Examination Appeal Board of the Patent Authority (hereinafter referred
to as 'the Appeal Board').
2. The appeal shall be considered within four months of the date on
which it was received. The procedure for consideration of appeals by the
Appeal Board shall be laid down by the Patent Authority.
3. The applicant may appeal to the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Belarus against the ruling of the Appeal Board within six months
following the date on which he received the ruling.
Article 12
Registration of the Trademark and Issue of the Trademark Certificate
1. On the basis of the decision to register the trademark, the Patent
Authority shall effect registration in the Official Register of
Trademarks and Service Marks (hereinafter referred to as "the Register
of Trademarks") within one month following the date of receipt of a
document attesting payment of the prescribed fee. The particulars
concerning the registration of the trademark and any amendment
subsequently made to those particulars shall be entered in the Register
of Trademarks. The contents of the particulars shall be determined by
the Patent Authority.
2. The Patent Authority shall issue an extract from the Register of
Trademarks at the request of any natural person or legal entity.
3. The trademark certificate shall be issued by the Patent Authority
within one month following the date of registration of the trademark in
the Register of Trademarks.
Article 13
Term of the Registration
1. The term of the registration of the trademark shall be 10 years from
the date on which the Patent Authority received the application.
2. The term of the registration of the trademark may be renewed for
further periods of 10 years at the request of the owner, filed in the
course of the last year of validity of the current term of the
registration. For the purposes of the renewal of the term of the
registration of the trademark, the owner may, on request and subject to
payment of an additional fee, be granted an additional period of six
months after the term of the registration expires.
3. The Patent Authority shall record any renewal of the term of the
registration of the trademark in the Register of Trademarks and, at the
request of the owner, enter it on the trademark certificate.
Article 14
Amendment of the Registration and Rectification of Errors
1. The owner of the trademark shall inform the Patent Authority of any
amendment to his business name (for legal entity), surname, forename or
patronymic (for natural persons) or address, any reduction in the list
of goods for which the trademark is registered, any amendment to
elements of the trademark that have no effect on its nature and any
other amendment concerning the registration of the trademark.
2. Any amendment shall be recorded in the Register of Trademarks and, at
the request of the owner, entered on the trademark certificate.
3. The Patent Authority may, on its own initiative or at the request of
the owner, rectify any grammatic, typographic or other obvious error in
the elements of the registration of the trademark.
4. The registration of the trademark may be divided on the owner’s
declaration by dividing the goods for which the trademark is registered.
Article 15
Publication of the Particulars of the Registration
The Patent Authority shall publish the particulars concerning the
registration of the trademark that have been recorded in the Register of
Trademarks in accordance with Article 12 of this Law in the Official
Bulletin of the Patent Authority (hereinafter referred to as "the
Official Bulletin") within three months following the date of
registration of the trademark or the date of recording in the Register
of Trademarks of amendments or rectifications concerning the
Article 16
Registration of the Trademark Abroad
1. Any natural person or legal entity of the Republic of Belarus shall
be entitled to have a trademark registered abroad or to effect the
international registration thereof.
2. The application for international registration of the trademark shall
be filed in accordance with the international treaties to which the
Republic of Belarus is party.
3. The costs arising from registration of the trademark abroad or from
the international registration thereof shall be borne by the applicant
or, with his agreement, by any other natural person or legal entity
Article 17
1. Fees shall be payable for the performance of legal acts in relation
to the registration of trademarks. Fees may be paid by the applicant,
the trademark owner or, with their agreement, by any other natural
person or legal entity.
2. The list of acts for the performance of which fees are payable, the
procedure, amount and time limits for the payment of fees shall be
determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
3. The conditions governing the application of fees shall be specified
by the legislative texts of the Republic of Belarus.
Title II
Collective Marks
Article 18
Right to the Collective Mark
The trademark of an association of legal entities, the purpose of which
is to designate goods manufactured and/or placed on sale by the
association and having common qualitative or other characteristics,
shall be considered a collective mark.
Article 19
Registration and Use of the Collective Mark
1. The application for registration of the collective mark shall be
accompanied by the rules thereof which shall specify the business style
of the association authorized to register the collective mark in its
name, the list of legal entities authorized to use the said mark, the
purpose of the registration thereof, the list and the common qualitative
or other characteristics of the goods that will be designated by the
collective mark, the conditions and the supervisory procedures to which
its use is subject, and also the sanctions applicable in the event of
violation of the rules of the collective mark.
2. In addition to the particulars specified in Article 12 of this Law,
information on the legal entities authorized to use the collective mark
shall be recorded in the Register of Trademarks and entered on the
collective mark certificate. That information, to an extract from the
rules of the collective mark that specifies the common qualitative or
other characteristics of the goods for which the mark is registered,
shall be published in the Official Bulletin by the Patent Authority. The
owner of the collective mark shall notify the Patent Authority of any
amendment to the rules of the collective mark.
3. If a collective mark is used on goods that do not have any common
qualitative or other characteristics, the validity of the registration
may be terminated, either totally or in part, on a ruling of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Belarus made at the request of any third party.
4. The collective mark or the application for registration thereof may
be converted into the trademark belonging to one of the legal entities
authorized to use the collective mark in accordance with the rules of
the said mark, or into the trademark application. The conditions
governing the said conversion shall be laid down by the Patent Authority.
Title III
Use of the Trademark
Article 20
Use of the Trademark and Consequences of Failure to Use the Trademark
1. The affixing of the trademark on goods for which it is registered or
on the packaging thereof, by the owner of the trademark or by any person
to whom the right to use the trademark has been granted pursuant to a
license contract under Article 23 of this Law shall be deemed to
constitute use of the trademark.
2. The mention of the trademark in advertising, in printed publications,
or signs or in connection with the display of goods at fairs or
exhibitions held in the Republic of Belarus may likewise be deemed to
constitute use of the trademark, provided that the failure